Monday, December 6, 2010

Inexpensive Winter Emergency Kit

Emergency winter kit.
As many of us know, winter poses more problems for humans than maneuvering on slick roads and streets. In the winter, even though you are only commuting to work and home, exposure to the cold and the elements pose life-threatening risks to people. Besides keeping the car filled with gas and throwing an extra blanket in the car, make an inexpensive emergency kit to carry with you.

Items to Collect
Two-pound aluminum coffee can w/ lid
4-6 all purpose candles
Wooden matches
Candy, jerky, food bars
Small flashlight
 Extra flashlight batteries
                                           Bottled Water

Place the items you collected into the coffee can and replace the lid. The bottled water may not fit into the can, but you can keep them together next to each other in the trunk, along with the extra blanket. It might be a good idea to keep the water in a cooler just in case the water freezes and bursts the bottles.

☺Light a match and hold it under the bottom end of the candle. Let a few drops of candle wax drip on the floor of the can. While the candle bottom is still warm, press the candle bottom into the candle wax. This will hold the candle in place. The candle will give you light and give off some heat.

☺If you can find a couple of old shingles carry them in the trunk. If the tires are spinning on ice, the shingles will give them traction.

1 comment:

Tammy Frost said...

Wonderful idea Gloria!