Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Make Metal Leaves from a Coffee Can

Refashion metal from a coffee can to create decorative trinkets. Hang them from neck chains and bracelets or use them to embellish crafts. Cut the shapes using scissors that cut metal. Mine are inexpensive scissors used by emergency medical technicians. Secondly, all you need is a simple candle flame to darken the metal.


1) Cut through the rim of the can. This is the hardest part to cut. The single layer beyond the rim cuts     much easier.
2) Cut several squares sized to how large you want the leaf.
3) Draw the outline of a tear shaped leaf on the square, using a marker, or cut the leaf freehand. 
4) Cut out the leaf following the contours of the outline with the utility-scissors.
5) Tap a hole into the top of the leaf using a finishing nail and hammer.
6) Turn the leaf over and tap the nail through the opening a second time.
7) Flatten any rough edges with pliers or place a nail head over the spot and tap the bottom of the nail     to flatten jagged edges.

8) Set up the water and lit candle.
9) Hold the metal leaf over the candle flame using the needle nose pliers. Move the leaf around the         flame discoloring the whole leaf. Soot will build up over the leaf as it heats in the flame.
10) Once the metal darkens immerse the leaf into the water.
11) Wipe off any remaining soot. Repeat this process if the leaf needs more discoloration.

Gather these things:
Utility scissors
Coffee can
Needle nose pliers
Finishing nail
Cup of water

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